
Term 4 2010

Homework for term 4 is attached under the relavent week.  All homework completed along with physical activity and household chores MUST be recorded in the Student Planner, and cited by an adult.


Below find links to your spelling words for the term and also ideas for spelling activities to be completed each week.

Spelling words List 1

Spelling words List 2

Spelling activities


1. Reading (novel – technology theme) 30min, 5 times weekly


In this powerful talk, P.W. Singer shows how the widespread use of robots in war is changing the realities of combat. He shows us scenarios straight out of science fiction — that now may not be so fictitious.

View the TED Talk ‘Military Robots and the Future of War’ and respond to it using the PCQ graphic organiser. Post your responses on the blog below.

What are the positives?

What are the challenges?

What questions does it raise?

3. Mathletics – set tasks

4. Any assigned tasks or revision for ICT, Art, Music, Chinese, PE.

5. Household Chores & Physical Activity


1. Reading (novel – technology theme) 30min, 5 times weekly

2. Spelling

3. Mathletics – set tasks


David Hanson’s robot faces look and act like yours: They recognize and respond to emotion, and make expressions of their own. Here, an “emotional” live demo of the Einstein robot offers a peek at a future where robots truly mimic humans.

David Hanson merges robotics and art to design life-like, social robots that can mimic human expression and emotion. Click on the link below to view his TED talk.

Robots that show emotion

Predit the likely outcomes if robots could possess emotions in the future. Use the ‘What if – Ripple Effect’ graphic organiser to guide your thinking. Post your responses below.

What recommendations would you make to ensure that such developments do not become a danger to human life?

5. Any assigned tasks or revision for ICT, Art, Music, Chinese, PE.

6. Household Chores & Physical Activity


1. Reading (novel – technology theme) 30min, 5 times weekly

2. Spelling

3. Mathletics – set tasks


Surgeon and inventor Catherine Mohr tours the history of surgery (and its pre-painkiller, pre-antiseptic past), then demos some of the newest tools for surgery through tiny incisions, performed using nimble robot hands. Fascinating — but not for the squeamish. Catherine Mohr works on surgical robots and robotic surgical procedures, using robots to make surgery safer — and to go places where human wrists and eyes simply can’t.

View the TED talk ‘Surgery, Past, Present & Robotic Future’ 

Analyse and respond to this talk using PMI (Plus, Minus, Interesting) graphic organiser to arrange your thoughts. Post Your response on the blog below.

5. Any assigned tasks or revision for ICT, Art, Music, Chinese, PE.

6. Household Chores & Physical Activity


WEEK 5 – Melbourne Cup Week

1. Reading (novel – technology theme) 30min, 5 times weekly

2. Spelling

3. Mathletics – set tasks

4. Rat Brain Controls Robot – Click link below to complete a Values Based Decision Making task.


5. Any assigned tasks or revision for ICT, Art, Music, Chinese, PE.

6. Household Chores & Physical Activity


WEEK 6 – 2nd week of November

1. Reading (novel – technology theme) 30min, 5 times weekly

2. Spelling

3. Mathletics – set tasks

4. Honda Develops a Robot Controlled by Human Thought. Or Is That a Joke? – Click link below to complete the Values Based Decision Making Task.  http://vbdecisionmaking.wordpress.com/robotics-scenario-2/

5. Any assigned tasks or revision for ICT, Art, Music, Chinese, PE.

6. Household Chores & Physical Activity

73 Responses

  1. Positives
    there will be more volenteers
    people who sell the robots will make money
    it is a robot revolution

    it encourages war
    accidents can happen due to computer problems
    not only does it affect the how of war fighting but the who of war fighting
    the warior gets a different experience
    it changes the identity of the warior

    will the people who control the robots have to be trained?
    what is morse law?

  2. Positives
    less men gett killed
    Dont have to be away from home

    Bilding a robot
    killing people by controlling the robot

    how would you build a robot
    would theree be more inosent people killed
    would there be ownly robots fighting in the war

  3. Positives
    Less people get hurt / killed
    You don’t have to be away from home
    You don’t get hurt

    Fighting via machine
    Hurting oponent

    How would you hurt someone?
    How much money and time does it take?
    How do you build one of the robots?

  4. Do we do our spelling task this week?

    – Dont have to risk peoples lives by sending them to war.
    – A robot would fit into places in war that people cant.
    – Slders can spend more time with their families.
    – Their are less jobs for the solders.
    – Solders that are controling the robot can suffer.
    – Other people get killed
    – There are still going to be on ground solders even if you make lots of robots.
    – Would the involvtion of robots in war inhance our wars?
    – in the futre will there still be on ground solders in war?
    – how will robotics effect our war?

  6. Positives

    Robots are helping more
    People don’t have to be away from home
    Less me/women are getting hurt


    Hruting other people
    Is Dangerous
    Mentallly Troubled


    How do people build robots?
    Why are robots being sold to the public to build if they are the ones that are used in war?
    How long does it take to build a robot?
    Will more people that have done nothing wrong be killed?
    Will robots one day not understand and kill others that they are not meant to kill?

  7. Positives:
    – Not many get killed.
    – you would not be shot but your robot will.

    – Creating the robot that is connected to your machine.
    – Making sure the machine works with the robot before going to war.

    – Would you win the fight if the others had no robots?
    – How would the robots get over to the war area?
    – How would you build a robot that is wired to the machine you will be using?

  8. Positives
    there will be more volenteers
    people who sell the robots will make money
    it is a robot revolution

    it encourages war
    accidents can happen due to computer problems
    not only does it affect the how of war fighting but the who of war fighting
    the warior gets a different experience
    it changes the identity of the warior

    will the people who control the robots have to be trained?
    what is morse law?
    By Melanie

  9. positives:
    1. Less men and women getting killed.
    2. Not having to leave home.
    3. Harder for enemy’s to attack.
    4. Faster and more agile.
    1. Building a robot.
    2. having to control by remote.
    3. Not having the ability to see who you are actually killing.
    1. How much money does it cost to build a robot.
    2. How do you build a robot.
    3.How would you kill someone by remote.
    4. Would it actually increse in suvillien death.
    5. Would it just be robots fighting.

  10. posotives
    Less foot solders would die
    you dont have to leave your home country
    more people may want to fight for there country

    it could cycological damage on the people controlling the robots
    it will cost the country more to fight
    war will almost become like a viseo game and will become less serious

    will this affect our lives directly?
    How much will each robot cost to build?
    Will terrist be able to get a hold of thi equiptment if so how will this affect us?

    • positives:
      -A positive about sending robots to war instead of humans, is that your not fighting, because when you are fighting you become tied and run out of energy. Your running around shooting with heavey guns, where as when you send a robot it is doing the job for you. Robots don’t get tied if the worse were to happen it would be that it was shot or it broke down itself.
      -Another positive about sending robots to war is that you could be sitting at home with your loved ones and you could be controlling the robot by your computer.
      -One More positive is that not as many soilders will get killed, because there not at war instead the robots are. If the robot gets damage it can be repared or if it gets destroyed you could just replace it with another robot, where as with humans that isn’t so easily done.
      -The cost of the equitment to build a robot could be a challenge depending on if the millitary can afford the cost.
      -Building the robot could also be a problem because if the get confused or don’t how to build the robot they won’t have robots to send to war.
      -What is the cost of a robot and will the millitary afford it?
      -How do you control the robot?
      -What if the enemy get the same technoligy what will happen then?
      -Will they hurt inosent people if so what will they do with the robots?

  11. Positives:
    A lot less people will get hurt
    MAYBE less people will die

    Hurting people you DON’T want to hurt

    How do you make them?
    How would you programme it?
    How do you make sure it’ll work the was you want?

    • i agree with most of your answers marcelle

      but with Maybe less peeople will die i would think that it would definatly reduce les people having to go into
      but otherwise gret comment.

  12. Positives

    -Less people would be killed or hurt.
    -The soldiers wouldn’t have to go to far from home.
    -You wouldn’t get hurt


    -War could become seen as costless
    -Accidently hurting an inicent by stander.
    – Damaging somthing important


    -How do you build one of the robots?
    -How many are being used in war today?
    -How do they help?
    -How long could it be before war is completely fought by robots?
    -Would war ever become completely fought by robots?


    – Less casualties in war
    – No longer need to leave country to fight
    – Robots will not commit “war crimes” to avenge a comrade


    – Increase in terrorism; easier to terrorise with technology
    – Ethics: Your killing people behind a computer screen on a different continent
    – Politics; no longer war declarations
    – War being marketed as easy
    – Re-defining war; Go sit behind a computer for a couple of hours go home, rather than “going” to war
    – Robots have no ethics


    – Are we ready for the robotic war revolution?
    – What happens if a robot, with no ethical values, kills the wrong person?
    – What if war is completely robotic?
    – How will society adjust if the total idea of war changed?
    – Are the people controlling the robots from a far disturbed by the cowardly actions they are undertaking in?

  14. Positives:
    -People won’t die.
    -Familys won’t get hurt.
    -you can do it in the confurt of your home.

    -Feeling good that you helped your country and knowing you took someones life away.
    -Not to axedently kill your team mate.

    -Will my robot get killed?
    -Am I going to take a life away?
    -Am I doing a bad thing?

  15. What are the positives?
    Less of the soldiers are getting injured
    The sodiers won’t have to ;eave our country
    What are the challenges?
    Making the robots fight
    Having an endless suplie of roobots to send out everytime on of them is killed
    What questions does it raise?
    How do we know the robots won’t change their minds about fighting and join toghther to destroy all humans!- No I am kidding ummm
    How long would the robots last

    – Dont have to risk peoples lives by sending them to war.
    – A robot would fit into places in war that people cant.
    – Slders can spend more time with their families.
    – Their are less jobs for the solders.
    – Solders that are controling the robot can suffer.
    – Other people get killed
    – There are still going to be on ground solders even if you make lots of robots.
    – Would the involvtion of robots in war inhance our wars?
    – in the futre will there still be on ground solders in war?
    – how will robotics effect our war?

  17. Ithink it would be very good because less people would die that means that less familys would grive about lost sons, daughters, mothers and fathers also robots are extreamerly accurate and there is a 99% chance that the robot will not miss.

    I belive that the challenge would be programming the robots, building the robots, raising the money to buy the materials then using even more money to make the robot but the biggest challenge of all would be killig a man or woman via the robot.

    How can you be sure that the robot will only take orders from the Military?
    How much time and money will building the robot cost?

    • Good job Toby

      I really like how you have found out the info about the robots accuracy on targets that really good so yer good job.

    • If there is a 99% chance of not missing, that could also be bad, if the attacker is a bad person/people. And we REALLy don’t want good lifes being destroyed do we?
      Anyway, I know what you mean.

  18. Positives –
    1. People wouldn’t suffer losing family
    2. no one will get hurt
    3. u won’t have to risk ur life

    Negatives –
    1. Today u can set off bombs in Iraq on ur home computer
    2. people wouldn’t be able to fight for what they think is right
    3. problems might affect the robots and then the robots will kill someone who is not involved

    Questions –
    1. If they send robots to war, and one countries robots all get killed, how would the other country just come and take what they want when there are still people who can defend it?
    2. How much time would it take to re-build a robot which has already been destroyed?
    3. Would forcing robots into war change the personality of people?

  19. posotives
    Less foot solders would die
    Less men and women would die
    Not having to leave home.
    Robots are helping more

    Hruting other people
    Bilding a robot
    killing people by controlling the robot

    How do you build a robot
    how will robotics effect our war?
    How do you control the robot?

  20. What if robots could posese emotions in the future.
    The robot would be able to tell there master what they thought.
    Robots would get a say in what they are to do.
    They wouldn’t always have to do what it was program to do.
    if we got to the stage of robots poseseing emotions it would be a huge leap in the technology world.
    Humans would get an insight into as what it is to be a robot and how they are felling.
    As robots had emotions they wouldnt always have to follow what it was programed to do so it could turn around and kill someone.
    If military robots had emotions they might get angry at having to go into danger zones and walk off the job risking human life.
    If medical robots were to have emotions they might think twice about doing a procedure and could risk the humans life.
    If home robots were to have emotions some elderly who own like robot vaccumes might have to try and do it themselves which they might hurt them selves in doing so.
    Questions it might raise?
    Would this start a new era in the technologic world?
    Would this cause more harm then good?
    Would this cause more good then bad?

  21. positives-
    ~ People wouldn’t suffer losing family
    ~ Less people get hurt / killed
    ~ Dont have to risk peoples lives by sending them to war.

    ~ Their are less jobs for the solders
    ~ people wouldn’t be able to fight for what they think is right

    ~ What would be programmed into the robots that could be fighting agenst humans?
    ~ Would it be just robots fighting

  22. Positives
    less solders will die
    no families would suffer

    less jobs
    people who love to fight won’t be able to

  23. Positives-

    -Less people get hurt
    -Not many lifes at risk
    -Spend more time with families


    -Less Jobs
    -Building a robot
    -Hurting others


    -How long does it take to build a robot?
    -How do you build a robot?
    – How do they help during the war?

  24. Positives-

    People are now not getting killed.


    Most robots are starting to have oops moments.


    Will ever robot in the world have oops moments?

  25. Postitives:
    Robot fight for us, less killed.

    People get to go home after a day at work, not a year in Iraq.

    Families don’t get ‘destoryed’ if a family member at war dies, their robot might but not the person.

    $costs$ of robots. (although you can’t put a price on safety!)

    Robot malfution. (it happens)

    Spirt of the ANZACS with die because you don’t need courage, you just need to read a 20 intrustion manual.

    Would human spirt as a whole have something missing?

    How many robots will we have on the battlefield?

    What if terriosts use robots?

  26. Positives:
    being able to be home with your family instead of over on a different country.

    Less death of people

    you build a stronger relationship with your family members


    you wouldn’t fell as bad when you kill over computer then you face to face.

    People that work on the computer wouldn’t be as fit as they would if they were running trying not to get caught

    victory wouldn’t mean as much


    would war soon enough become worthless because all the robots will be fighting not as?


  27. Sorry I accidently pressed publish 🙂

    will robots replace human soliders ?

    Could robots run the robots from a safty base for eg: you how we control the robot into different directions would robots be able to do that or would that be to hard to acomplesh?

  28. What if robots could possess emotions in the future?

    – They could get bullied.
    The robot could feel very offended and get all upset.
    The robot could have a thick skin and bully back.
    The robot would learn to bully others.

    – Have a good friend.
    Would laugh and enjoy its robotic life with its friend.
    They could have a fight and the robot would become lonely.
    They played a game and the robot became lost.

    – It could be in a car crash.
    The robot could become happy from losing a family member.
    The robot would cry because he was hurt.
    The robot could scream because it was scared after the crash.

    – The robot could become a bully.
    The robot would laugh and enjoy itself after making somebody sad.
    He could kill somebody.
    May hurt someone as in punch and kick.

    This could become a danger to our life so if we don’t bring the anger into the robotics side then we will not be harmed.

  29. Predict the likley outcomes of what could happen if robots could have emotions:

    -If we are feeling down, they will know how we feel and help us
    -They could get angry and loose control of themselves
    -They could get offended and do bad things
    -Stop following rules and laws and doing their own thing
    -Start doing bad things to people who bully/offend/hurt them


    I don’t really think this is a problem, although it can be if ANGER is involved. I think if this did happen, they should be controled/programmed of how they feel and act so none can be harmed.

  30. what could happen if if robots could possess emotions in the future.

    -It would be easier to talk to them because you actualy know that they are understanding you.

    – Robots could get upset over things (like us)
    – The robot could get attached to someone or something.

    – They could get angry or frustrated.

    – The robot would laugh at your jokes and mean it.

    – Every robot will have their own personality eg. one robot could be shy while the other robot might be confident.

    – It would be easier to communicate with the robot.

    I realy think that it would help if in the futre we have emotions in robots. Robots would actualy have emotion in their speech so that we would be able to tell how the were feeling. I think that robots shold have artificial intellegence before they have emotions because then there is no point of having a ‘programed’ emotion.

  31. positives?
    less people from the army will get kill.
    people can stop fighting Iraq and they can sppend sometime with they familiy.

    how do you build a robots
    Robot malfution.

    how mach will it cost to build a robots.
    how do robots helps in army
    what if the robots kill its same team

  32. Putting emotions into a robot isn’t an easy job and whatever emotions scientists put into a robot they will be very unnatural at first but then the scientists will improve the robots.

    There is a risk that robots will turn onto humans and try to kill them but, scientists have some kind of security to stop them doing anything that will harm anyone.

    I would suggest that robots should be taught emotions, except ANGER, because if a robot doesn’t have the emotion anger then you will remove one risk of the robot making itself angry and doing something wrong. If humans will tell the robots to do something bad then there should be a restricted order type of thing in the robot which disables the robot to do things that harms anyone.

  33. what could happen if if robots could possess emotions in the future.

    -They could throw tantrums
    -They could get tired
    – Robts could fall in love
    -They could start rebelling
    – They could quit work
    – Every robot will have their own personality for example rough, rebellious naughty ect.
    – They could take a humans place

    I realy think that it would be great if robots showed emotion they would be able to be a friend as well as a helper.

  34. What if robots could dhow emotions in the future?

    – They could become upset

    -Robots could become attached to people or things

    – Robots could fall in love

    -Robots would have there own feel about things

    -Each robot has a different personality

    -Robots could become offended by things we say

    – Robots would become more like humans which could make other people angry while it can make others happy


    I think it would be great for robots to show emotions. Robots with no emotions don’t feel anything but robots with emotions could become friends and could help people in need. Robots should definitely show emotions because I think it would help the world.

  35. Positives –
    1. People wouldn’t suffer losing family
    2. no one will get hurt
    3. you won’t have to risk your life

    1. Their are less jobs for the solders
    2. people wouldn’t be able to fight for what they think is right

    1.Would human spirt as a whole have something missing?
    2.How many robots will we have on the battlefield?
    What if terriosts use robots?

  36. Surgery’s past present and Robotic future!!!!
    The robots would be able to make smaller incisions to the size of there hands (arms).
    The robots would be able to do more timely surgery’s because of what ever they run on unlike a human who will need sleep.
    Robots wont have the chance of dropping a tool like a human surgeon.
    The robots could do the surgery faster then a human.
    At the moment how robots dont have the emotions if they lost a patient in theatre the couldnt put them selves down, be sad, like a human could.
    Because a robot is programmed what if the programming was faulty and the robot went pysico and lost there patient unlike a human who doesnt need programming and would know what to do if something went wrong.
    What if the robot broke a tool or the tool was already broken and they were in surgery the robot couldnt fix it because it;s not programmed to unlike a human who could go “ohh there is a broken tool i better change it”.
    What if the hospital had a powere failer the robot wouldnt know what to do but with a human they would find like extra electricity or something.
    Questions raised:
    What would a robot do if the hospital had a power failure?
    Would it be a safer surgery if a robot did it?
    What are the simalarities between a human doing surgery and a robot doing surgery?
    What are the differences of a robot doing surgery to a human doing surgery?

  37. if robots could show emotions:

    if robots could show emotions it may be a god thing but it may also be a bad thing. If robots could show emotions they may not be as useful as they may decide to quit there jobs that they do because they may get board of it. But on the there hand it could be a good thing because humans would be able to interact with things besides them self’s.

    I think it would be a bad thing if robots could show emotions because they may become less obedient and quit there jobs.

  38. posotives
    I think less people would die if they had robots help people do surgery because the robots will be more acurate with everything.

    I don’t think it would be very good because the robots may malfunction in an important part of the surgery and then the ods are the patient will die.

    I think the video was interesting because it told all about the differnt parts of surgery like the history of surgery and the future of surgery.

  39. Robots with emotions:
    1. Robots won’t do our jobs
    ~Why would a emotional robot want to fight for us?
    ~robots don’t need to pay for food so they wouldn’t chose to work for us.
    ~They won’t work hard.
    2. Robots might commit crimes
    ~Robots might simulate evil
    ~They will rob banks, shops, etc.
    ~Robots will be stronger than humans making them harder to stop
    3. Robots getting friends
    ~They may fall in love
    ~If they lose a loved one they might quit working and become depressed.
    ~Robots might fall in love with a human and them get rejected making them sad 😦
    4. Stressed
    ~Robots might get stressed and quit their jobs.
    ~Stress leads to depression
    ~depression can lead to homicde

  40. What could happen if if robots could possess emotions in the future?
    -They could get tired
    – Robots could fall in love
    – Every robot will have their own personality
    – They could take a humans place

    I realy think that it would be great if robots showed emotion they would be able to be a friend as well as a helper.

  41. What if robots could possess emotions in the future?

    – Robots will know how we are feeling
    – Robots will have jobs
    – Humans wuold have less jobs
    – Robots could be a help to us
    – The would have their own selfhood
    – They could have their own house
    – They can make money for themselves


    I think that it would be good if robots showed emotion but i also think it would be bad because there might be less jobs for humans, less money for us to make, there would not be enough houses to have everybody and so on.

  42. What if robots could posses emotions in the future?

    -They can be happy
    -They can be sad
    -They can be angry
    -They will become a good help to human beings
    -They will seem more humanly


    I think that it would be good to see that robots show emotion. Because it will make them seem more humanly and become a good help to human beings.

  43. What if robots could possess emotions in the future?

    -The would be able to decide desicions without orders
    -They could rebel against the human race and take over
    -They would do jobs and tasks of their own will
    -They wouldn’t listen to orders and would try to rebel
    -It would change robot dramaticaly- making them more helpful
    -They could be a friend and that would change the way they work for you dramaticaly

  44. What if robots could possess emotions in the future?

    .they could replace robots for humans in jobs

    . even know robots wont age they will soon become rusty and fall apart so what is the point of robots possesing emotions

    .if robots can experience anger it be hard for them to live by the 3 laws if they are used in these robots of the FUTURE

    .robots can help us in things that we find dandgerous but in order to do the job they need possess emotions

    .if robots work our jobs we could become over weight

    i honestly think it would be teerrible to have robots possess feelings because A.they would leave us with no jobs B.because they dont need feelings and C.it wouldnt be ice to be overweight

  45. What if robots could possess emotions in the future?

    -People might mistace them for humans if they were a
    look like robot.
    -They might fall in love.
    -They might feel tired.
    -They might feel weird.
    -They might feel pain.
    -They might feel normal.

  46. Medical robotics
    The new advances in medical robotics.

    The advances in painkillers so poeple dont have to go through pain.

    The cancer illuminators.

    The Keyhole surgery with the robot stick which turns into a little robot with 2 arms, camera and a torch.


    The gory pictures and videos.

    Who keep the funding going because the many surgerys will take their toll and also because they [surgeons] have extended this persons life there will be more problems down the line such as: arthritis, cancer, heart failers and heart attack so the cost will keep on going up.


    How do they get people with suchgood hand-to-eye coordination to work the robots?

    The Keyhole Surgery robot

    How in the olden days people had to go through such pain just to cure a kidney.

    The huge advances in medical technology.

  47. Medical robots:
    -Better and more acurate surgerys
    -The doctors/surgeons don’t feel sick after surgery (It’s a fact! Some of them do!)
    -If a human can’t dig deep enough into the body for surgery, a robot could do it

    -If the robot breaks down/stops working
    -If the robot does something wrong/not progremmed properly

    -How they programme the robots to do surgerys
    -The whole part about robots demolishing cancer

    I think she did a really good speech, and the good thing about it is that it wasn’t just talk, it was about what they’re working on, and what could happen. It wasn’t like ‘We think’ or ‘We don’t know,’ it was straight forward.

  48. Hi Mr Williams,

    I tried to log on to mathletics but every time i press sign in it tells me that i have to wait until the math challenge period starts. How do I complete my mathletics task.

    Thanks Natalie

  49. PLUS:

    -Surgeons will be able to perform surgery on humans whatever their problems could be much more accurately and correctly.
    -Surgeons will be able to reach into the body more with the use of robots.
    -Surgeons will not have to make a lot of cuts on the body with the the use of robots.


    -The robots do have a chance of malfunctioning, and if that happens then it could become a very big problem.
    -If the surgeons who are controlling the robots make a mistake with controlling the robot whilst doing surgery then the robots can do a lot of damage to the patient’s body.


    -Its cool how the surgeons now can use so high technology to do surgery in the human body where no one even imagined.
    -How hard would it be to learn how to properly and fully learn to control the surgical robots?!

  50. Robots as a sergent:

    – The robots will be programmed so then nothing will go wrong.
    – The robot is not related so they are not stressed or shaky.
    – It will save more peoples lives.

    – The robot might malfunction and it does other thing instead of what it is supposed to do.
    – Someone might have thought that the robot could do all of the surgeries so the person gets the wrong on done.
    – There would have to be lots of robots.

    – It may put a stop to all of the long waits because the robots would do it a lot quicker

  51. ROBOTS PMI : Surgery

    -Nothing should go wrong in surgery
    -There will be no wobbles from stress
    -Better surgery
    -New standards in medicine

    -Programmed wrong
    -Enemies can sabotage the operation

    -Key hole surgery robot
    -It is a crime to do surgery without permission
    -Robotic evolution in surgery
    -Joseph – famous
    By Melanie

  52. Plus

    It is more safe

    it can track where the cancer is

    Not so many scars


    It takes a long time

    the people controling the Robot have to be more carefull

    it is hard to make a Robot

    Robots cost alot


    How people invent such things

    how the robot can track the cancer

    how the people control them

  53. Plus
    It is an easier alternative
    Less mistakes made in surgery
    There would be less scars


    They would make less jobs for people who work

    The robot can do something it isnt supposed to

    It is time consuming to make a robot


    How the robot is made

    That some robots dont need to be controlled

    How it tracks cancer

    – The robots are very acurate.
    – Better standard surgery.
    – The surgery would save more peoples lives.
    – The robots can track cancer so its easier for the surgen.

    – The cost of treatment (not everybody can afford it)
    – The robot costs alot.
    – The robot might be programmed wrong.
    – If the power goes out (the robot might shut down)

    – Surgery is not that modern.
    – The evolution of robots in sergury.
    – The hole in the skull .
    – How the robots track cancer.

  55. plus:
    Because it is a robot doing the surgery there calculations will more afitiant than a human doing surgery.
    It will easier to find the problems with the patients
    The surgeons won’t be getting as sick because can get what the patients have.
    what if the robot breaks down (wasting time affecting patients).
    what if the robots weren’t programmed properly.
    Could more lives be saved every day.
    Would surgeries be complete in ashorter amount of time.

  56. Positives-
    -More lives saved
    – Less deths

    -The Cost
    – The fact that it might go evil

    Robots can track cancer

  57. Positives-
    ~ More lives saved
    ~ Less deaths

    ~ The Cost of the robot
    ~ The cost of the surgery

    ~Robots can track cancer
    ~The hole in the skull

  58. Positive

    – It would be easier to operate
    – Less saws and stichs


    -They might brake down
    -The cost is high


    – They can track cancer

  59. Positives
    Helps saves more lives
    Isn’t as hard

    Robots don’t have the smae arm movement as a human causing mechanical like movement

    The way the robots worked
    How surgery has progressed from then to now
    How the surgery we do- with robots or not- is diferent from then

  60. Medical Robots-

    – Better Surgery
    – More lives are saved
    -It is safer

    -Programmed wrong
    – Cost

    – Robots know where the cancer is
    -How the people control the robot

  61. PLUS-

    Fatality rate of surgery greatly increased.

    Easier for doctors and surgeons to operate.

    Enables doctors to get to places that were imposiible to reach with their hands.

    Less chance of infection

    Smaller/less incisions need to be made.

    Patients able to be free of pain

    able to track cancers/tumors

    Surgery takes less time.

    Less room for mistakes; accurate



    Most robots lack the dexterity of the human wrists

    Visual restraints

    Frustrating; some robots difficult and time consuming to use.


    Surgery was used in performance

    Cultures who had no contact with eachother used the same surgical methods.

    Surgeons who were once mistrusted are now some of the most important people in our society.

    Robotics in surgery seemed to naturally evolve

    Most people who had Anesthesia died

    Cleanliness had a massive impact on surgery, even though it was so obvious

  62. Positives:
    – More Lives Could Be saved
    – The robot would be more acurate

    – Surges Jobs would gbe lost
    – Chance the robot might programed wrong

    – The surged robot would be complex
    – The robot could be able to sense disess and cancers

  63. PLUS:
    Robots are safer in sugury than humans
    robots can make smaller cuts to get into the body
    robots can fit more tools at a time

    Robots could fault
    Power failure

    Robots can track cancer!
    Cutting a hole in your skull can make you live longer!

  64. it is unfair what has happened to thee school and i am not liking my new one that much at all miss you ica community 😦

  65. I agree Rachel I love ICA so much where did it go where did the friendships disapear to I don’t understand

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